dissabte, 2 de desembre del 2017


Walter. He is a dog, he is one year and eight months. The dog breed is Jack Russell. We have the dog when, I have fourteen years old and my sister eighteen. He has one month and fifteen days.
 He is not a simple Jack Russell, the normals has the ears down and he has the ears up. In the head, he has a perfect symmetry. He has only two colors of the hair, light brown and white. He only has the stain of the head the rest of the hair is white, but under the hair, in the skin, he has a lot of small dark brown stains. He's a very nervous dog, he  only stay without moving when is sleeping. He is my wet, and I love him.

divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017


I have a sister, she is four years older than me. She is ninteen years old now. She is living in Girona beacause, she is studying there. She study a doble degree in teaching ( infant and primary).
I missed a lot she, beacuse, I only can see her in the weekend. In the weekend both are studying an cannot do a lot of things.  We speak a lot of everything, we don't discuss a lot. we have a complicity.  I look up him, she is like my inspiration. She is a good person, I like how she dresses, I like her personality, her body, I like everything of her. I love him. She's name is Joana.

