-Who invented the G.N.?
Acording tot the Elements of The Gothic Novel: The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole
-What was the first G.N.?
The fisrt Gothic Novel was The Castle of Otranto, the autor was Horace Walpole.
-When was it first published?
The gothic novel was published in the second part of the 18 th century, in 1764.
-Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?
divendres, 24 de novembre del 2017
dissabte, 18 de novembre del 2017
A study has found that dog change emotions. Depending who is whatching they, for exemple is their owner whaching them it have an actitud diferent who is an unknow person. After a dog walker tell to the interviwers he knows when the dog is scared, nervous,... The University Portsmouth studied the expressions of the dogs are the results of domestication.
My opinion of this news is interesting because I love the dogs, I have a dog and I like play with him, try to teach,.. I like learn more of this topic, ofthe dogs.I find its very good that the universitys studied his expressions and emotions. I think if I not go into de carrer I want I do any thing related to the pets, animals..
In Alaska, the people find a baby otter, abandoned for his mother. They find the pup in a beach of Kasilon. Now the baby is recovering in a Alaska SeaLive Center. The US Fish and Wildlife Service deemed the baby isn't ready to release. And now is in a center's staff happy and frolic in the wather.
My opinion of the news: I think that new is very interesting, because this is the day by day for differents animals. But I'm sorry for the baby because he dosen't knows the life out of the center.The pup has a good luck becasue he isn't find now he would be dead.
Words I have learnt:
A study has found that dog change emotions. Depending who is whatching they, for exemple is their owner whaching them it have an actitud diferent who is an unknow person. After a dog walker tell to the interviwers he knows when the dog is scared, nervous,... The University Portsmouth studied the expressions of the dogs are the results of domestication.

Words I have learnt:
In Alaska, the people find a baby otter, abandoned for his mother. They find the pup in a beach of Kasilon. Now the baby is recovering in a Alaska SeaLive Center. The US Fish and Wildlife Service deemed the baby isn't ready to release. And now is in a center's staff happy and frolic in the wather.
Words I have learnt:
dijous, 16 de novembre del 2017
I am surprised with results of the test, because i don't think that the results would be so high. In the school, I get good results, of the highest notes but I don't think I have a so high results of the multiple intelligences test. This are the most surprised results for me:
-I agree with results of linguistic because I don't have a good level, I do a lot of ortographic mistakes. The crareer I would like to be a teacher.
-I don't think I have a good level of Logical-Mathematical, I don't have a bad level but not a perfect level. The career I would like to be a detective.
-I am disagree whit the results of muscal becasue I don't play instruments but I am the all day listening music, I live stuck with music.
I am a little disappointed with the careers because i want to be a doctor o pediatrician, and anyone whit the high results test, can be doctor in the career.
-I agree with results of linguistic because I don't have a good level, I do a lot of ortographic mistakes. The crareer I would like to be a teacher.
-I don't think I have a good level of Logical-Mathematical, I don't have a bad level but not a perfect level. The career I would like to be a detective.
-I am disagree whit the results of muscal becasue I don't play instruments but I am the all day listening music, I live stuck with music.
I am a little disappointed with the careers because i want to be a doctor o pediatrician, and anyone whit the high results test, can be doctor in the career.
diumenge, 5 de novembre del 2017
I think this animal is very accertive for me. I see the caracteristics and say wow! I think the characteristics, describe me quaiet well for what I am. But the adjective fashonable has not completely guessed it. Because I am not a person very fashonable but sometimes when I have to be it I'm fashonable. The carees and hobbies are very accertive because i want to be something related to medicine, and here there are mediacal. I an very happy with the animal guessed it.

Characteristics: Original Fashonsable Perfecionist
Careers and hobbies: Brodcaster, Insurance agent, Medical, Actor, Editor, Journalist, Eating out, Socializing, Shopping, Music.
The words that I have to learned are:
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